24 November 2011

What will I subject my children to?!

Parenting - it's a tricky old time. We do all we can for our children; feed them, clothe them, love them, drive them everywhere for their endless clubs and activities. We try our best to raise them to be respectful, caring, loving and thoughtful. Yet ultimately at some point they will be ungrateful for the experiences that we have provided them. They will be embarrassed by us. They will moan about the things we have subjected them to.

My parents subjected me to rubbish cars, no interest in modern music, bad hand me down clothes, church every Sunday - I'm not anti church but our church was so booooooring for kids, long long long walks whatever the weather, over cooked vegetables, Radio 4...the list goes on.

I, on the other hand, am a cool sophisticated parent and so far my children have got parents that have driven a Mini Clubman, have great taste in music, find great hand me down clothes, don't go to church as we are far too shattered on a Sunday morning, take them on short walks to the park, cook vegetables perfectly, listen to a range of radio stations....the list goes on.

I have, however, found a couple of things that my children have been subjected to and if this is all I can find I think I'm doing a pretty good job so far.

I present to you my first bit of video on my blog. Please excuse the dodgy editing, spelling error and all round lack of professionalism - I clearly need some lessons from Mammasaurus - but it's a start:

My parents would never have taken me to any kind of musical gathering, unless it was orchestral, but I am sure one day my two will not allow us anywhere near them at such an event. So I'm enjoying it all for now and just know one day they will look back and create a list of 'negative' things that we subjected them to!

What have you subjected your children to and how does it compare to your childhood experiences?


  1. I am subjecting my children to home-made cake and biscuits. The thrill they have when I bought a bought chocolate biscuit in their lunchbox makes me squirm in shame! They won't appreciate the baking and treats until they are about 35!

  2. Well those snippets look pretty 'groovy' to me. Ah there is one saying things like 'groovy' makes a pre-teen cringe. That is all I can think of, hang on I will just call down "kids um..." oh sorry they didn't hear me!!! ;-)

  3. I predict it is precisely the things we think are cool about us that our kids will find mortifying but hey, what can you do?

  4. Er...mine are subjected to a Skoda, Sunday church, long walks, overcooked veg, Doris Day and Radio 4. Wondered why my daughter wanted to swap me for J's mum at school this week!


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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