30 March 2012

The vicious circle of tiredness

I am shattered. Zonked. Shagged. Done in. However you label it, I am tired.

And it's all my fault.

I have a simple solution......go to bed earlier. BUT, and this is a big but - hence the capitals, bold and italics - I can't do it. I cannot get myself up the stairs at a sensible hour. Even when I'm hanging at 8.30 when the house is finally quiet I cannot bring myself to waste that precious time by sleeping.

Precious time.....oh precious time. Time when the house is quiet. Time when the children are asleep. Time when I can switch off.

My precious time in the day has now gone. Going back to work means no more taking the children to school and preschool and coming back to an empty house. After Easter I'll be getting up earlier, dropping the children off, whizzing off to work, picking up Alban, grabbing myself some lunch, having some time with Alban and then the school run at 3.15 and all the chaos that entails.

So, when 8.30 comes around and lunches are packed and the kitchen is tidied and any ironing is done and my jumping around the lounge like a loon* has all been completed, I need my 'me time'.

So I stay up. Late.

Then wake up. Tired.

And so it begins again.

I am in a vicious circle of tiredness and don't know how to fix it. Where do I find my 'me time' apart from right at the end of the night?




  1. Ohhhh, i could have written this post too!!! My hubby is always nagging me to go to bed earlier and I always say 'but it's the only time I have' and then moan about how tired I am the next morning!!!!! I'm afraid I don't have the answer but maybe someone else can enlighten us?! Love the new blog look :) x

    1. That's exactly what I say to the husband! Thanks for the comment on the new look x

  2. I'm exactly the same. Going to bed early is great, but feels like such a waste. I really need my evenings to relax and get 'me' things done. I'm afraid I can't offer any help!

  3. could you make 'me time' time in bed with a good book or a magazine to unwind so that you drift off and get some rest....I love that I'm saying that, I'm just as bad!

  4. I'm there with you. Can't help you I'm afraid, just empathise!

  5. I hear you lady. I can be shattered all day then the children go to sleep and I get a burst of energy and don't feel like going to bed at all. Will keep an eye on your comments for any magic answers :)

  6. Just don't sleep. You can manage without it. Once you break through the pain barrier you're soaring. Colours are brighter, sounds are louder, the walls start melting and you hallucinate, sure - but think of all you can get done! Try it. You might like it.

    1. Mmmm that sounds like my all night clubbing days, but then I had the next day to sleep off my madness.

  7. *yawn* I cherish the me-time too hence same as you, knackered. x
    When does Alban start school?

  8. He starts in September so if my job continues then as it is now I will get a couple of hours to myself every afternoon! Whoop! x

  9. I find some nights I'm up later so I can enjoy me time or time with oh but then when I'm shattered I'll go to bed earlier to top myself doing stuff (even if I initially read or watch tv). Me time v rest is a constant dilemma,

  10. I am going to be boring and say - compromise! What time do you go to bed now? Can you just take a small step and go to bed an hour earlier? You will still have some 'me' time but will at least be getting another 5-7 hours of extra sleep a week. That amounts to an extra nights sleep which I am sure you could do with!

    Maybe you wouldn't quite so desperately need your 'me' time if you didn't start the day off on bad foot?

    Give it a months trial!


    1. Ooh you are very sensible missus MeanyJar! I think I will ease that into a new routine over the hols so I'm raring to go when back to work & school.
      Thank you x

  11. Ah, I know how that feels. For the last 6+ years, after child 1 was born, I unwittingly got into my own little hamster wheel of neverending things to do to: wake up, take child to nursery, work, pick child up, cook dinner, sleep. The faster I tried to run, the more exhausted I got. I had no 'me time' whatsoever. I was also running on low energy constantly. Then I tried little changes, like eat healthily and exercise regularly. It made a difference and I could stay up later into the night. I also discovered my own pattern. Mondays were terrible and impossible to stay up late. Tuesdays I could stay up a little later. Wednesdays were great - I could pack more hours in doing things I wanted to do after everyone went to bed. Then it starts to tail off Thursdays and more so on Fridays. Saturday mornings I'd go for a swim or run on my own, just because I know weekends are going to be full on. So those 2 hours on Sat mornings counted as my own time for the whole weekend. Took a bit of experimenting before I worked out what's best for me.
    Having said this much, my routine had to change when child 2 was born. And I'll have to work out another one when child 3 shows up in 4 weeks!

    1. Definitely a good idea to have something to do in our me time. I try and do some exercise in an evening but usually in the front room or some sewing etc but mostly in the evenings when the children are asleep and not disturbing me. The weekend? OH tends to do a bike ride! I need to get out on my own as well!

  12. My two now can out last me even on school nights so my me time is as I say to them diving into a book of chick lit heaven in bed, total bliss even when I can still hear the pair of them giggling and scampering into each other bedrooms. With the benefit it sends me into a drowsy sleep making me wake up mostly bright eyed and bushy tailed!!! Well mostly ;-)


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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