26 March 2012

A Week in Tweets

Slummy Single Mummy has started something new - A Week in Tweets. The idea is that every Tuesday she will post her week in tweet form, so no more than 140 characters a day for you strange types who don't understand Twitter. The tweets can be real ones or you can go fully creative and make them up. Sometimes she will set a theme for a week, which will force me to be a bit more creative in my writing - not a strongpoint, but for this week I have trawled through my tweets.

Here we go then, My Week in Tweets...

Monday 19th March
A bit miffed the Olympic torch isn't coming through Melksham! #snobs !

Tuesday 20th March
Always nice to hear the class teacher tell you that your daughter is phenomenal #proudmum #parentsevening

Wednesday 21st March
I'm now off to the front room to jump around like a loon in the hope that the effort might lead to some inch loss.

Thursday 22nd March
Errr, I haven't touched my blog for a week! What's that all about? #backtowork #chickenpox

Friday 23rd March
The pox has finally made E sleepy - peace and quiet here for another 10 mins or so until A crashes through the door from preschool.

Saturday 24th March
Errr...my shack has turned into a nursing station. WT...?! The sacrafices I make. pic.twitter.com/spnSfnR3

Sunday 25th March
So, The Pirates is a great film, Hugh Grant is looking pretty good and the guy from Massive Attack is REALLY tall!

When Slummy Single Mummy has posted her Week in Tweets I will go over and leave my link in her comments box!

Here's her stonking badge:



  1. I'm dreading the arrival of the pox. E managed to escape it so far but now they're both in nursery I'm sure it's only a matter of time. Glad everyone's on the mend.


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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