26 September 2011

Why I love Mondays

Mondays, that dreaded back to work/school day. I used to suffer from the Monday morning dread but for now, I love Mondays.
"E" is settled into Year 1 and "A" goes to pre-school for the day so I have 6 hours of calm and peace and the house all to myself. Mondays are my days.

Today is a particularly nice Monday with the sun shining and temperatures unseasoningly high.

The garden is starting to look more autumnal with reds emerging on the leaves.


The sunflowers are well and truly finished but the sweet peas are fighting on.

 Will this be the last teapot of sweet peas for this year?

 The vegetable patch needs clearing and weeding...

 ...and the shed's treatment needs to be finished.

My shack needs treating quick as the summer sun has damaged one side.

Boris  just sits and watches it all.

Tuesday is Toddler Group for me and "A". I am now in charge and today I baked buns for the little ones and Millionaires Shortbread for the lucky lucky grown ups!

 On Saturday I bought some lovely starry fabric to make a curtain panel for A's room.

You cannot find any right angles in his room so whenever we have put up blinds or curtain rails they have always looked wonky. So I decided to use very basic curtain wire and the panel of starry fabric to give him a curtain that for once looks straight - ish!
 This is how it looks today.

I am very proud of this as it is only my second piece of sewing using my new machine!
So, there you are, now you can see why I like Mondays!


  1. Having read that I'm not surprised you love Mondays. Sounds lush, certainly a 'yellow day' by my definition. :)

  2. Wow, you've been really busy! Jealous that you still have sweetpeas. Mine went a while ago, but I collected all the seed at the weekend for next year.

    The buns and shortbread look wonderful!

  3. Wow, I can see why you're a Monday fan. Next week sees the start of my Mondays becoming somewhere near as good because DS will start preschool! I can't wait, tho I may get a bit emotional :-S

  4. Wow, what beautiful photos! I must admit I always find Monday a bit of a slog - maybe I need a new perspective?

  5. To quote the song: The best thing about being a woman is everybody leaves the house in the morning.

  6. Thanks everyone. I am also quite liking Fridays too! The teapot was from The Pier a now extinct shop.
    x x x


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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