1 September 2011

On the first day of September

After an August of up and down weather, no family getaway and 24/7 children I woke up today with mixed emotions. It was the last day of the summer holiday and I looked back on August with sadness as we never made it to the beach. I looked forward with sadness as "E" starts Year 1 tomorrow and "A" starts pre-school - where the last year has gone I don't know. However, it was a glorious day here with sunshine and a pleasant breeze - perfect. "E" had her best friend "L" over to play and I spent the hours chatting away with her Mum who, over the years, has become a fabulous and supportive friend.

Later I had a wander down the garden and found some things that made me wonder;
 is it really September?

The sunflowers were giving mixed messages.

Some still in their prime and holding up their golden heads to the sun..

...and some looking very sorry for themselves knowing that autumn is just around the corner.

   The sweet peas are still going strong providing us with beautiful colours and scent.

We are still enjoying harvesting courgettes....

...and sweetcorn.

There are still strawberries in the strawberry patch.
Not bad going considering we removed the netting to weed and never put it back!

At last, the tomatoes are ripening in the greenhouse.

The blackberry cane that we moved earlier in the year has survived.
The first sign of autumn!

But now the children are heading back to school and starting pre-school I have plans for the garden.

I will be sitting in here.....

.....knitting some winter woolies, drinking cups of tea, watching the garden change and enjoying the peace.

Happy Autumn everyone x x



  1. See I have the beach but you have a girls shed :-) so jealous!!! x and your courgettes were so much better than mine too!!! X

  2. I am very jealous of your courgette harvest! Ours did not survive the topsy-turvy weather. I love autumn... lovely photos!

  3. Oh I love your garden. It was the first day of Spring here yesterday and I am busy weeding, planting, cleaning, mulching, digging and smelling my garden. I love it when everything just bursts!

  4. Your garden is so cool and that shed!! I would love one of those, the sort not filled with spiders and tools that I could escape too.

    Looks like you have had a good growing year. I've had not a single tomato and courgettes have unbelievably been a bit thin on the ground - maybe not enough goodness been dug in beforehand. Oh well, next year....

  5. I love Sunflowers- keep meaning to grow some every year but never get round to it! Good luck with them starting school and pre school! x

  6. Thanks everyone x. The husband needs to take credit for the fruit and Veg, all I did was sow the seeds for the sunflowers with the kiddies!

  7. your shed is to die for! i would love to cosy up in there so i could write! and i agree that i feel a little sad that autumn is approaching although you have reminded me that its not all doom and gloom!! xxx

  8. Who needs the beach with a fabulous garden like that? *Looks out to her small balcony and sighs*


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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