5 January 2015


Fulfilment in 2015 // 76sunflowers

I'm not one for resolutions as they are far too easy to break.
Every January I ramp up the exercising and healthier eating as every December I get lazy and over indulge.
So January becomes a month of focus to balance that one out.
Still not a resolution though - I don't go on a diet and I don't have a weight loss goal.
Instead I have a word.

And my word is fulfilment.

I want to find fulfilment in 2015.

Fulfilment in my family.
Fulfilment from yoga.
Fulfilment from exploring.
Fulfilment from happy mail.
Fulfilment from walking.
Fulfilment from adventures.

It's all rather open ended but that's fine by me.

Do you have a word for the year or do you make resolutions?

x x x


  1. ooh what a lovely list (and a lovely word too!) i've never had a word for the year but I'm reading so many posts about it I'm feeling rather behind the times :) x

  2. not actually got a work (yet) fascinated by other peoples... great word. (great nails). Happy 2015!

  3. Fulfilment is a lovely word to be aiming for this year! You've got me thinking about what my word would be now...

  4. I don't have a word and I don't make resolutions. But I have planned to make this year more about me...just the small things like more 'me time' or whatever you want to call it. And to definitely concentrate more on my running. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! X

  5. Fuilfilment is a wonderful word, so pregnant with possibilities! My word this year is JOY. Just writing it makes me smile :) Here's to us an amazing year for us all x


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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