3 January 2015

Project 365 2015 #1

So, we are onto another year of snapping a picture a day.
I loved the challenge last year, although some days proved more difficult than others.
I'm up for the challenge again though and will be linking up as usual with The Boy and Me.

Project 365 #1

Project 365 2015 day 1 - New Years Day walk // 76sunflowers
Project 365 2015 day 2 - Panto time! // 76sunflowers
Project 365 2015 day 3 - Dominoes at the pub // 76sunflowers

Day 1
Happy New Year! A dreary day weather wise and after a late night we had a late escape for our regular walk from our doorstep. It was kind of ruined by an inconsiderate dog walker and my first snaps of the year weren't great - a combination of failing light and camera phone.
Day 2
Much better weather today and we headed out for a walk around Stourhead Lake and a quick trip into Frome. In the evening we headed to Bristol for the husband's and kiddos first ever Pantomime. It was a fantastic night and I'd forgotten what great fun Pantos are...oh yes they are!
Day 3
Today we had a lazy pub lunch for the MIL's birthday. The weather was dreary again so I didn't mind cosying up for a good couple of hours over indulging on food and playing - what is fast becoming a 76sunflowers family tradition - a few rounds of dominoes.

Linking up again with The Boy and Me...

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky
x x x



  1. Glad you enjoyed the panto, I looked at taking Monkey this year but was amazed at the prices, will have to save up for this year I think! #365

  2. Sarah MumofThree World3 January 2015 at 19:57

    I'd love to go to a panto! The kids go with school, though, so there's not much point in us going :( Dominoes sounds fun!

  3. it is years since I've been to a pantomime! Brilliant pictures, I hope to join in too this year after an early exit in 2014!

  4. I went to my first pantomine ever before Christmas! My son was invited onto the stage near the end too so it was rather exciting.

  5. I won the tickets :) I looked at prices afterwards - I don't think we would have gone!

  6. Panto is great! And we have really got into dominoes!

  7. Lucky boy! Mine would chicken out of that I think.

  8. I'm not a big panto fan, but we went a very good one before Christmas. Dominos sounds like fun.

  9. We love a good pantomine, we went to see Peter Pan a couple of weeks ago.

  10. It looks like a bit of a dull walk but great to get out of the house! We went to a Panto before Christmas and the Little A's loved it! Happy New Year to you!

  11. everyone seems to have had a dry new years day apart form me and Elaine (up in Scotland!!!)
    i decided that i will take the boys to see a pantomine this year (ie, decmeber!!) as i have not doe so before, but they love watching the CBeebies ones
    happy new year xx

  12. Lovely pics! I always forget we live quite close to each other then see places I recognise - we could've walked past each other on Friday! x

  13. These are lovely photos, I've always wanted to go for a walk somewhere nice on New Year Day but living in the centre of Brum we don't have many nice places to walk. Happy new year x

  14. We did pants this week too - looks like a lovely walk :0)

  15. Coombe Mill (Fiona)4 January 2015 at 10:00

    Glad you got out for some air however dreary, it looks like some lovely countryside right from your doorstep.

  16. I love a good Pantomine, not been to one for years!

  17. Pantos are brilliant aren't they, we took ours to see Dick Whittington a few years back and the only line they all remembered was "It's spotted dick, Dick!" which they repeated endlessly for weeks (actually they still do now). Aren't kids a joy haha. I hope it was wonderful!

  18. Sounds a fun way to start the year. Love lazy pub lunches and pantos!

  19. I've never been to a pantomime!

  20. We went to see the panto on Christmas Eve, it was our first time as a family. I hope you enjoyed it x

  21. What fantastic photos! Looks like you have had a great start to the new year x

  22. sabrina montagnoli4 January 2015 at 23:32

    Great start to the year. Glad to see you joining in again.

  23. Aaah we missed panto this year! Must do it next year for the kiddo's. And me. ha! Sounds like you've had a fab few days darlin, oh how I love Frome - I work there and am always tempted to go and potter around the shops instead of doing any actual work. Lol x

  24. Elaine Livingstone6 January 2015 at 21:20

    I went to the panto for free as well this year, tickets are extortionate and I would pay despite the fact it was brilliant, Why do some dog owners have to be inconsiderate?

  25. Rachel In Real Life7 January 2015 at 11:17

    We won tickets to the same panto (and same show!) but I completely forgot until I saw your picture come up on my feed. Oops! x

  26. Sara (@mumturnedmom)7 January 2015 at 17:15

    Haven't been to a panto in years, glad you enjoyed it! Our current game of choice is Jenga, wish the kids preferred something less noisy... :)

  27. I've not been to a Panto in years..
    The dominos remind me of my childhood.

  28. Ahhhh I'm a proper panto lover - get a good one and you can't beat it - excellent pics and lovely colours!

  29. Yay for the pantomine! Although, we haven't taken The Boy yet because I don't think he'd handle it well, can't wait until he's a bit older.

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365 and good luck with the year ahead.


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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