12 October 2013

October days in the garden

It's been rather a nice day here after a wet and windy start.
Plans to have a day out changed and instead we headed out into the garden.
I grabbed my phone and took some pictures - something I haven't done in a while.
I love seeing how the garden evolves; changes with the seasons, adapts as the children grow, accommodates new guests.

Chickens in the garden - Emily & Mabel
Agnes in the garden
Emily in the garden
A cup of tea and chickens
Poppy heads and chickens
Dad's shed
Mum's shack
Project Shack
Minibeast hotel

The chickens went full on free range for the afternoon whilst I found our one and only sunflower looking rather sorry for itself. Dried poppy heads and a garden full of weeds completed the sad picture of the garden finishing its business for the year. Both our sheds need some work doing to them. His has a sign - I'm still trying to locate one for me - whilst mine needs some more paint and some work inside. And the kiddies? They occupied themselves creating a minibeast hotel on the patio complete with cherry tomato cushions and grass carpet.
It's the simple things sometimes that make me smile the most.

 I'm linking up with the beautiful Mammasaurus...

Mammasaurus - How Does Your Garden Grow?


  1. look the chucks! It is nice just having a day where you potter and enjoy the fresh air isn't it?

    1. Definitely. Sometimes I feel we have to go out but today we appreciated our own space.

  2. How fabulous to have chickens, my toddler would be ecstatic if we have them. Wonderful photos and I love the kids garden too :)

    1. The chooks are great and the kiddies love them but they are work too!

  3. I feel mean now. Haven't let our hens out into the main garden yet. Still being moved around in their chicken run. Yours look like they are enjoying the freedom. Maybe tomorrow.......

    1. We've only just started to let them roam out of their run. We were moving them round for a while in their house but I got fed up with them wrecking the grass!

  4. Loving the new luck! Lovely photos too, beautiful hens (and children obvs!) :D

  5. Fab you are enjoying your garden x lovely chickens *turns green with envy, and love the mini beast hotel looks like your two are very pleased with their efforts and rightly so! Wow I miss when my two loved such simple pleasures ;)

  6. You have chickens and they look so at home in your garden. I'm wondering what the sign for your shed is going to say - would love to have one of my own

  7. Oh wow I would love to keep chickens and we hope to soon! I hope that they look as happy as your do. That shed is fab too xx

  8. Ooh I have shed envy!! Your chucks are gorgeous xx

  9. oh we have 3 chickens too, aren't they great fun, they really do make us laugh. I'm loving your shed, I could spend a bit in there quite happily :)

  10. Great photos! Love the dried poppy heads, the chickens strutting around & the rusting roller.

  11. Your shed is looking fab! And your kiddies are so cute! Loving the new look blog too xx


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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