3 August 2011

Seven Year Itch?

I was catching up on my Facebook page the other day when I noticed a reminder 'Your anniversary on Sunday'! Is it? Ooops nearly forgot about that! Well this Sunday will see me celebrate 7 years of married life and that got me thinking - 7 years, that seems to ring a bell. Ah, the Seven Year Itch, defined in  differing ways:
1. "The inclination to become unfaithful after 7 years of marriage"
2. "The time when couples take each other for granted" (Ay? That long?!) Or
3. "The time when all those minor irritations go BOOM and turn into HUGE major irritations on a daily basis."

So will my 7 Year Itch be definition 1, becoming unfaithful? As much as I like to leave the house looking semi presentable, and still feel smug if a half decent man looks at me, I do not have the time, or thankfully the inclination, to have an affair and (sorry no offence if you live in my town) have you seen the talent pool in Melksham lately??!! Any affairs I may have would be complete fantasy in my head with a particularly attractive singer of a well known Las Vegas band. Aaaaaaaaah - *big sigh*. So what about hubby? He has the better opportunities: works 35 miles away, works late, goes away on conferences, has young female staff under him (??!! eek!). But I know my hubby and trust and love him.

Or will it be definition 2, taking each other for granted. Surely that happens earlier than 7 years?! Or maybe it shouldn't happen at all. I know we are both at fault on that point in this household and am sure as my children grow older they will contribute. I don't always appreciate how hard hubby works and the stress his job can entail but at the same time he does not always appreciate what it is like being Mum 24/7. Occasionally he will comment "I couldn't do what you do" which I take as a roundabout comment of appreciation. I just wish I could receive a regular huge hug from all 3 of them and a "Thank you, we appreciate you and love you!"

So what about definition 3, minor to major irritations. Anyone that knows me understands that I can get highly strung and cannot let things just go over my head so yes things irritate me.
Here are my Top Ten  Five  Three Irritations
1. The washing bag is there, look 2 feet from where you dropped your socks so PUT THEM IN THE BLOODY BAG!
2. A text message at 6.30p.m. "Just having a quick beer after work" Which actually means, "You will be lucky to see me before 9p.m. and if I 'miss' the train I may as well stay out and roll in at midnight."
3. "I washed up for you tonight" (I may hear this once a month) Wow! Shall I tell you everytime I wash up?!!
I take heart from this list that I could only think of 3!!!

Well, despite some ups and downs and rocky patches we approach our 7 year anniversary hopefully not scratching away at any major itches. I have learnt that marriage is not always a smooth journey. Throw children in and those paths can twist and turn and get mighty bumpy. But I hope that the man I fell in love with will be my husband for at least another 7 years (Is there a 14 year rash??)
So has anyone else felt an itch?


  1. That's so lovely, enjoy your anniversary!

  2. Well, at least you had the decency to apologise (he says, speaking as a male Melksham resident).

  3. catparrott thank you!
    Phil, maybe as I am not looking I am unaware of the potential of finding a lovely Melksham man! I am sure there are plenty of you in the town!

  4. I am not so much on the 7 year itch as the 10 year strangulation !! I pat you on the back if you can only think of three things that irritate you. Mine would go on for pages and pages. And yes, before you ask, I still love him..... I think.
    Happy anniversary !

  5. mummyontheedge Ha Ha yes I surprised myself with lack of irritations but have thought of some more since! Thanks for commenting x

  6. Really enjoyed your blog and I love the design. (is it new?) Sounds like you've got a pretty normal marriage there! Happy Anniversary to you both.

  7. I pimped my blog recently following a recommendation from VioletPosy to check out shabbyblogs.com. Pretty isn't it?! Thanks for comment x


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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