26 August 2011

My Fabulous Baker Boy - Chocolate Delights

Whoopie Pies!
I have found some great foodie blogs lately and have started to follow more foodie types on Twitter and I have noticed that 'Whoopie Pies' kept getting a mention. I had not heard of these before so I hit the magic Google button to discover what they are.

Historical note of interest: Amish women would use the cake leftovers to make pies similar to these to pack in their husband's and children's lunchboxes, when they found them they would shout "Whoopie!" - apparently!

Back to the baking - they ticked all the boxes: Do they look yummy? check Do I have the ingredients? sort of but check
Ok then let's give it a go!

Big sister "E" is still on holiday so she joins My Fabulous Baker Boy again to help, and no doubt lick the spoons!

The following comes from a mish mash of different recipes I found online, the sponge mix worked but I feel I could tweak the filling.

Collect all your ingredients:

100g/4oz stork or butter
50g/2oz caster sugar
50g/2oz soft brown sugar
2 eggs
4 tbsp cocoa powder
225g/5oz SR flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
120ml/4 fl oz milk

Put all of the above in a mixing bowl.......

....and MIX!

Dollop onto baking paper lined trays. I got 12 dollops from the above mixture and remember to space out!
Lick the spoons!

Bake for about 15 minutes, 170c fan oven

For the filling:

200g/8oz caster sugar
100g/4oz butter
100g/4oz melted marshmallows
1 tsp vanilla extract

Mix together all of the above then spread over half of the bases.

And sandwich together and enjoy!

If you make some chocolate delights with the kiddies anytime soon then PLEASE do link up below!
Also if you want to grab My Fabulous Baker Boy button grabby thing I have refreshed the code to hopefully link to this post!!



  1. maaaan, they look good!! will have to try.. are you in Melksham? I'm just around the corner, in Warminster! Kerry via Britmums xx

  2. Oops - didn't really understand the Magical Linky so linked anyway... now I feel under obligation to make something chocolatey with my kids! Any excuse...!! :o) Romany xx

  3. Kerry, hi, yes just up the road from you!
    Romany, yes you must now get baking!
    Thanks for taking the time to comment x

  4. Just spotted your linky. What a great idea. Will take some pictures next baking session. Love the pies they look scrummy.


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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