14 August 2011

Listography - Guilty Pleasures

Well KateTakes5 has set another revealing Listography this week. What are those guilty pleasures we have? Well here are my 5.

1. Homemade lasagne

Not that bad I know but I have to have an oversized helping and cannot leave a scrap on the plate, but then I sneak back in the kitchen nibble a bit more from the leftovers and HAVE to scrape out the really overdone bits from the edge of the lasagne dish. Yum!

2. Aiden from SATC

A good night on my own would involve lashings of lasagne and skipping through my SATC boxsets to watch all the Aiden episodes and then shouting at Carrie for being such a selfish skinny bitch for cheating on him and letting him go! He makes such lovely furniture as well! *sniff*

3. Men with beards
(or in a nutshell Ronnie Vannucci)

I have a huge - not so secret - crush on Ronnie Vannucci, especially with his beard. Don't know when or how this started, maybe it went hand in hand with husband having a beard - well a sort of beard.

4. Crap films

Basically films where I do not have to think - AT ALL. A good example being The Rock - I love that film!!

5. The Killers / Brandon Flowers (without the guyliner - sorry Kate!)

Yep, bit of a theme here. I think secretly I want to be a rock star WAG. Or a groupie would do. Nothing beats singing along to The Killers at high volume or chilling out to the rather beautiful Mr Flowers. Had a fab summer fulfilled some guilty pleasures by seeing The Killers at Hyde Park & Brandon Flowers at the Eden Sessions - ahhhhhhhhhhh and breathe!

So what are your guilty pleasures? Link up at KateTakes5 x x



  1. The Killers are great. Nothing guilty about that.
    Beards don't do it for me though.

  2. I like your taste in men! Aidan is such a MAN isn't he. Carrie looked so tiny beside him. I'm tall so I always notice a nice tall manly man!

  3. Oh no not beards, shudders shudders and cringes at screen xxx

  4. I'm with Ali, beards make me shudder, I think reading Roald Dahl's, The Twits as a child has stuck with me, as Mr Twit use to save morsels of food for later in his beard and I always think of this when I see beards, plus they must be very scratchy against your face! Now give me a bald head, and you'll have me!

  5. I love John Corbett! ace list! x

  6. My dad has a beard which has always made them a no no for me but as you'll see from my list I'm in no position to judge!

  7. Oooh, I love men with beards and The Killers as well! Love your list!

    Anne @ Domesblissity

  8. Oi! Where's that recipe for homemade lasagne? You know I want it. Pass it on. Get it in the Recipe Shed. A housedad needs it.

  9. So glad someone else does that with homemade lasagne ...!!

  10. Yes to the lasagne - you have to pick all the cheesy topping off until just the under bit is left - which is then usually chucked out. Very naughty!

  11. Much prefer Mr. Big to Aiden. And don't like beards *shudder*! But totally with you on the crap movies!

  12. A mixed bag of responses, mostly against the bearded one :0( !!!
    Thanks for comments everyone x x

  13. I like the actor who played Aiden when he was in Northern Exposure. He was also cute in My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

  14. I was a sucker for Aiden as well. Love male facial hair, although can't comment on women as haven't seen any bearded ladies! xxx

  15. Oh yes to the homemade lasagne & Aiden! Together would be nice. Have to love the bearded chaps as Mr Bunny is one :D x

  16. Men with beards, I'm with you there. But then again the most important man in my life growing up (my Dad) always had a beard :)

  17. Wow, thanks for all the comments and the late push for the beards!! :o) x x

  18. And don't forget the actor who plays Aiden (John Corbett) is also Chris in Northern Exposure (I had such a crush on him when I was younger). I have just found out (via IMDB) his girlfriend is Bo Derek so the rest of us have no hope :(


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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