18 August 2011

My Twitter / Blog Journey....

.....or My crash course in social media and technology

The other evening I sat down feeling very proud of myself as I have had my blog up and running for just over three weeks, built up a following of 18 and had managed to bling it up a bit! Now, to lots of you bloggers out there that might sound like nothing but to me it is something rather huge - let me explain.

For a number of years I had a very basic PAYG mobile phone that allowed me to text and call and remain pretty anonymous. At the beginning of July I decided I wanted a phone that would allow me to text, call, snap the odd photo and check my Facebook account. So I went from this:

To this:    

Once I was used to the whizzy touch screen I got back in touch with Twitter.

I had set up an account back in March 2010 but never used it but now I had my whizzy new phone and instant Twitter access. Soon I was following likeminded individuals; mummy bloggers, daddy bloggers, the odd celebrity. I even managed to build up some followers too.

I soon stumbled across the world of blogs and I decided to have a go at making my own. Now, I am not at all computer savvy having been part of the generation that did not use computers in school or university. So I am self-taught but I am willing to, with the help of Google, find things I need to know and give things a go. I had noticed people were using blogspot.com, wordpress.com or had created their own host set up. I opted for blogspot, found www.blogger.com, and got started. I managed to follow the steps and set up my initial blog, but I wasn't happy. I wanted it to be pretty. I wanted it to be pink and turquoise. I wanted flowers and buttons. So I turned to Twitter for help. @violetposy suggested taking a look at www.shabbyblogs.com.

Wow! This was full of lovely vintage style backgrounds, buttons, headers, you name it they had it. I was in blog blinging heaven. They even had easy to follow tutorials to guide me through. I set to work and found the gorgeous background that you can see on my blog. I still don't quite get it but somehow I managed to copy and paste some HTML code thing into the right box in the right place and bingo I had my pretty blog! I even managed to add a 'blinkie', some header tabs and a linky with it's own grab button.

So, like I said before, compared to other blogs all that is pretty standard stuff. But for me it is an achievement of which I am proud. I am now looking for the next techie thing to bling up my blog even more! Any suggestions?!! x x x



  1. Just 3 weeks? Wow! That's fab, well done!

  2. Smarty pants ! It's looking great. I use weebly, but I'm struggling a bit at the moment. It just won't tweak like I want it to. :(
    Mummyontheedge x

  3. Wow! Amazing for only three weeks! I love posterous - it's SO easy to use - but not many options to customise it... Oh well.

  4. RSS next, you too can waste an afternoon, although if you leave it till the evening, it is a lot easier if the kids aren't talking at you...


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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