30 October 2014

Money, mortgages and being a grown up

Money, mortgages & being a grown up // 76sunflowers

I'm not sure if it is my age, and trying to accept that I am a grown up and need to start thinking more about money, but my head is changing its mind on so many things lately:

I want to move to a city / No, I want to live in the country
I want to be a SAHM / No, I want to develop my career
I want more children / No, two is enough
I want to sell up and go and rent a house closer to the husband's business / No, I want to stay put and continue to pay off the mortgage

Looking back at the list makes me think how many of our life decisions are driven by money, that big thing that causes so much happiness yet so much stress - and, let's be honest, quite a few domestic arguments.
On the left I have the risk taking moves - that ultimately need more money to work.
On the right I have the sensible moves -  that, although not cheap, should comparatively save us a few pennies.

The biggest financial outlay for us, and for many families, is the mortgage and as much as I would love to sell up and enjoy the freedom of renting, I am glad we have one.

We have worked hard and got ourselves on the housing ladder, just in time before it went super crazy, and often think if we hadn't made that move would we ever be able to buy our own house? However, the mortgage is such a chunk of our outgoings that I regularly have days where I go over our financial figures again and again trying to find something we could do without...

The internet?  
A car?
Mobile phones?
House insurance?
Life insurance?

Nope, we need all of those.

The supermarket expenditure is one area I have been working on by planning meals and digging out the slow cooker - nice recipe here by the way - and we are slowly clawing some pennies back through good planning.

But, how many of us actually shop around for other things? Every time an annual statement drops through the door for the numerous insurance policies and the dreaded mortgage we never actually think - 'shall we look elsewhere?' Planning is one thing but actually being aware of what is available, like the mortgages from Santander, is another.

So, I am going to continue to meal plan and control what goes into my shopping trolley.
And I am going to start to analyse my monthly and annual bills and start comparing more.

What tips do you have to save some pennies and pounds each month?

x x x
Disclaimer: This post contains one paid for link. However, all words and opinions are my own.


  1. MidlifeSinglemum31 October 2014 at 06:32

    I hear you on every aspect of this post. The mortgage is like a rpe around my neck but thank God I have one.

  2. I don't think I could ever go back to renting (though it's a bit different here in Australia... er hi, I'm originally from Melksham and really enjoy the pictures you take around my old stomping grounds.. I've followed your blog since before you renamed it!) Money saving tips.. not a lot that isn't obvious really - try "home brand" versions of things you're less fussy about, make sure your heating system's efficient and well insulated, check insulation around doors and windows and in the ceiling.. walk rather than drive when you can.. compare insurers regularly, compare mortgages regularly, compare internet, mobile and phone (and if you have it, pay TV) providers - quite often you can save pounds simply by switching every couple of years as they all compete with each other and often have discounts for people who switch to their service. Look at the package deals too (over here in Aus we have a provider who does home phone, mobile phone, internet and pay TV bundles for example)...

  3. Hello! Yes, it is a ropes and yes I would rather have it than not! Thanks for the comment.

  4. Hi! Thanks for the comment and thanks for being a historic reader of the blog! Comparing packages and deals is where I fall down! We have an Asda here now so I tend to shop quite frugally :) Thanks for your comment and tips!

  5. My folks go to the Lidl there too sometimes - can be good for certain items. One thing I was going to mention - I used to sing Autumn Days when I was at primary school (at what used to be Lowbourne Junior) so seeing that in your post a couple of weeks back brought back some memories!


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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