21 August 2014

Limoges {#HDYGG}

Limoges {#HDYGG} // 76sunflowers

I can't believe we are back home again enjoying the remainder of the rather soggy summer holiday.

I'm now counting the days woefully until it's back to work time.

I just know it's going to fly by.

Instead of looking forward I have looked back a bit to last Friday when we spent a hot sunny day in Limoges. In front of the Musee Beaux Arts were some beautiful manicured gardens full of fountains, plants and flowers whose names I do not know - I like to admire but don't learn much along the way!

Limoges {#HDYGG} // 76sunflowers
Limoges {#HDYGG} // 76sunflowers
Limoges {#HDYGG} // 76sunflowers
Limoges {#HDYGG} // 76sunflowers
Limoges {#HDYGG} // 76sunflowers
Limoges {#HDYGG} // 76sunflowers
Limoges {#HDYGG} // 76sunflowers
Limoges {#HDYGG} // 76sunflowers
Limoges {#HDYGG} // 76sunflowers

The last plant had a delicious aniseed scent when I crushed the seeds - Fennel?

Any help with naming will be much appreciated.

Linking up with Manneskjur...


x x x




  1. sabrina montagnoli21 August 2014 at 16:42

    Bright and beautiful

  2. Not sure, but it could be fennel. i do love how the French maximise their urban spaces with floral displays.

  3. Jocelyn (@ReadingRes)21 August 2014 at 18:12

    Looks beautiful and all so colourful. Yes, it'd be fennel. I have some, and love crushing it to smell it!

  4. Sara (@mumturnedmom)22 August 2014 at 04:36

    So much colour, beautiful. I am also rubbish at naming plants, my garden is full of things I don't know the name of :) #HDYGG

  5. Stephanie Robinson22 August 2014 at 11:08

    Great photos, love the lacy looking one - sorry no idea on its name. But I'm voting yes to fennel!

  6. Annie@SuffolkPebbles22 August 2014 at 14:03

    such vivid colours, and I think probably fennel too x

  7. Fennel fo sho! Such colour, I'd have stowed away in the flowers to avoid coming home! Loving the waterlily especially. Work may be looming but at least you have lovely holiday shots to remind you of the good times :)
    Thanks for joining in again!x

  8. Wow, looks like a lovely place - great pics :) #hdygg

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I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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