15 August 2014

Limoges, Limousin {France}

 Limoges, Limousin // 76sunflowers

Today the sun shone.

It was a day to explore.

In Limoges, about 40 minutes from our base at the in laws in France, we found beautiful gardens to admire.

 Limoges, Limousin // 76sunflowers
 Limoges, Limousin // 76sunflowers
 Limoges, Limousin // 76sunflowers
 Limoges, Limousin // 76sunflowers
 Limoges, Limousin // 76sunflowers

 Limoges, Limousin // 76sunflowers
 Limoges, Limousin // 76sunflowers
 Limoges, Limousin // 76sunflowers

Live jazz music accompanied us as we took in the colour of the flowers and enjoyed the simplicity of just playing with the water in the pools and fountains.

The museum - Musee Beaux Arts - was appreciated, possibly more by me than the children.

And time was spent exploring the Old Quarter with its intricate doors and historical exteriors.

It's been a lovely break but sometimes a challenge getting the balance across three generations on days out.

Give and take seems to be the best bet.

Appreciating the outdoors and linking up with Country Kids...

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

x x x




  1. Coombe Mill (Fiona)15 August 2014 at 23:11

    I so know what you mean about days out across the generations, works best when you have grandparents still in tune with the needs of children. I'd say your tour of the gardens along with visiting the museum was a fair balance and the old quarter looks so very French. Thank you for sharing your lovely photos on Country Kids.

  2. Jocelyn (@ReadingRes)16 August 2014 at 08:52

    That looks so beautiful. I love exploring gardens, museums and old towns, so I'd have loved it! Tricky to keep three generations happy, though, I'd imagine.

  3. Looks beautiful, and kids seem drawn to fountains! something about water :)

  4. Looks beautiful! We also had a ten-day holiday in France and absolutely loved it! :) #CountryKids.

  5. oooh la la a French inspired country kids post! your photos are so colourful and full of life - looks like a wonderful adventure was had x

  6. What a beautiful location. The second photo is simply stunning. #countrykids

  7. How gorgeous. Love all the colour and details.

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I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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