13 March 2014

Spring colour {HDYGG}

Last week the sun shone on my HDYGG post but it did not want to play ball today - Tuesday - when I went out for a potter around.
Still, I found a little bit of colour.

Primulas  // 76sunflowers
Primulas // 76sunflowers
Lupins // 76sunflowers
Mini daffodils // 76sunflowers
Mini daffodils // 76sunflowers
Spring buds // 76sunflowers
Garden preparation // 76sunflowers
Picket fence // 76sunflowers
Chickens // 76sunflowers
Chickens // 76sunflowers

The primulas have just about survived unscathed from the chickens. I'm so glad as they add a vibrant splash of colour to the garden.
The lupins however tell a different story. These have had to be moved off the patio out of reach of the chooks!
I had completely forgotten about the mini daffodil bulbs and it was so nice to find a small spread of these yellow delights bobbing in the breeze.
Spring buds have started to appear on neighbouring bushes and shrubs but the vegetable garden at the end of the garden remains untouched in two weeks.
The old picket fence will have to remain for now - one day it will need replacing but seeing as no one knows who is fully responsible for boundaries and having gone 50/50 in the past we are held on this one.
Finally, the chickens are back free range following two big fence panels being replaced so, fingers crossed, the chooks are free to roam. Until we re seed the lawn!

Linking up with Annie...
Mammasaurus and How Does Your Garden Grow?
x x x


  1. Jocelyn (@ReadingRes)13 March 2014 at 18:00

    You found lots of colour - beautiful! Nice to see your free-roaming chickens, too x

  2. Rosie @Eco-Gites of Lenault13 March 2014 at 18:54

    My chooks had to be confined to home after M Renard got 2 of them who refused to come home to roost one night. But home is a very big field so they shouldn't really complain ... and I can find all their eggs easily now!

  3. Looks like hard work digging up that patch over there! Your chickens really are gorgeous. Do they let you cuddle them?

  4. Helen Sims The good life mum13 March 2014 at 23:51

    WOW now that looked like some serious work going on there i bet there was a radox bath at the end of it. Just love your cheeky hens

  5. I haven't got chickens this year and I'm looking forward to a garden free of chicken poo! I shall miss their eggs though x

  6. Merlinda Little14 March 2014 at 08:19

    You have chickens! I love them. I usually have them at home =)
    Im sure your garden will have marvellous mix of colors in spring!

  7. We used to have chickens. They look so cute! I really miss them! x

  8. Love your chicken photos :-) I have thought about getting chickens but would worry they'd eat everything in sight. Great signs of Spring. #hdyyg

  9. oh, I would so love to have chickens in our garden, though I bet they do like to nibble everything! x

  10. emmasouthlondon.wordpress.com20 April 2014 at 20:24

    The colours, especially in the chicken photos, are amazing - the light at this time of the year seems to highlight the vivid colours sometimes.
    Hope for some more sun this week - that may help the Lupins spring back as well!
    Emma :-)


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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