30 June 2015

Embrace happy and Race for Life

Embrace Happy & Race for Life // 76sunflowers

Back in March I was lucky enough to briefly meet and listen to the inspiring words of Karin from Embrace Happy. As a result I take part in the daily #3goodthings focus on Instagram and I am pleased to report it is having a positive effect on my outlook, attitude and general well being. Alongside the #3goodthings, I have blown the dust off my running shoes and have consistently been lacing those bad boys up for regular running and training. With some fantastic online support from Run Mummy Run, I'm on a mission to run a Race for Life 10k in less than three weeks; some days I get worried about this as I haven't reached that distance yet and I have a constant fear of injury again. But, with my Embrace Happy hat on, I attempt to stay as positive as I can.
Today, with the heat wave sweeping in, I set my alarm early and was out the door at 0623 in order to beat the warmth - it was still stinking hot but I'm glad I am sitting here in the garden typing this now and not running in the current heat at 1030. On my way round my 6k route I got a bit negative with myself, panicking about the aforementioned Race for Life, so I started to chant in my head;

You are fit, you are healthy so keep your arse moving.

Not particularly poetic I know but it worked. I dug in and kept going thinking along the way about the reasons that I am training for Race for Life and just how freaking grateful I am that I can run and I can get up everyday and I can do this.
When my race pack came through I thought about what I could write on my bib, I RACE FOR LIFE FOR... How amazing that I don't have a list of names to put on there. There is one person close to me currently recovering from an operation that removed a cancer infected kidney. Now he awaits scans and ultimately chemotherapy to hopefully eradicate the lot.
So I race for him.
And all those that have lost their battles, all those currently fighting and all those survivors.

A huge thank you to the lovely people that have sponsored me on my Just Giving page here.

x x x


  1. SO AWESOME VIV!!!! I quite like that mantra actually...may I adopt it as well?? I am so pleased to read this and wish you the best of luck for your Race For Life goal. You WILL make it happen...this I know!
    Thank you for sharing this Viv! <3

    Karin xx

  2. What I love about you is I know you are aiming to run all the way if you can! It is a great cause have popped over to your page x x x

  3. Thanks Karin, please do adopt the mantra :)

  4. Thank you SO much *mwah* And yes, you know me surprisingly well! All or nothing me ;)

  5. my 10k is in September, but I have dropped off with the running a bit, I may borrow that mantra thank you!


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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