1 April 2012

#pinaddicts challenge no. 3 - iPad cover


It's month 3 of the #pinaddicts challenge and April sees the lovely Sew Scrumptious hosting the linky.

The #pinaddicts challenge works as follows:
Pin to your #pinaddicts board on Pinterest.
Choose something to make for the challenge.
In your post put the original image with original links.
Post your fantastic effort at recreating.
Link up and go and check out the other #pinaddicts!

#pinaddicts challenge no.3 - iPad cover
This month I returned to my sewing machine to make a cover for my iPad.

I was inspired by the following two pins on my #pinaddicts board.

iPad sleeve tutorial: Velcro or button closing

ipad cover.

I really liked the zipper on the above design but my basic sewing machine does not have a zipper foot - time for an upgrade I think! So I took the elements from each tutorial that I could do and mashed them together.

I found some gorgeous fabric from www.fabricrehab.co.uk and set to work.

For the outer sleeve I used two pieces of fabric cut to 10.5" x 8.5" and interfacing the same size.
For the inner sleeve the fabric was cut to the same dimensions.
For the flap I used two pieces of fabric and one piece of interfacing 3" x 3".

All the parts were made by placing right sides together with interfacing pressed inside. The two long sides and one short side were sewn on the flap and the outer sleeve. For the inner sleeve a 3" opening was left at the bottom.

A piece of velcro was attached to the outer sleeve and the flap pinned to the opposite side:

This piece was then put inside the inner sleeve - inner sleeve is inside out at this point.
The seams were pinned and the sleeves sewn together around the top opening.

Then the outer sleeve was pulled through the opening in the inner sleeve like so:

The opening in the inner sleeve was sewn up and the sleeve was tucked into the outer sleeve. Then the top opening was sewn around again and a final piece of velcro attached to the flap:

And it was all done!

What do you think?

x x x



  1. WOW WOW WOW ...and LOVE that fabric... Thanks for popping over this morning-The bits I didn't mention- Rank smell... Ruined chopping board AND silicon bakeware... Suffered bad burns when I poked them tooo early but...mmmm PRETTY CRAYONS....

    Am Loving the impetus to do something other than PIN PIN PIN

  2. LOVE the fabric and I'm off to fabricrehad NOW!
    Oh wait, yeah and the cover is beautiful :)
    You are officially super crafty extraordinaire!

  3. Very cute fabric. I've got some owl fabric that I need to do something with. You have inspired me to get it out of the cupboard.

  4. GORGEOUS! I love your choice of owl fabric and green polk dots- they look so cool together.

    You have serious sewing skillz.

  5. I definitely need an iPad now!!! I've made handbags before but never thought of adapting them for covers. Fab!

  6. That's gorgeous and very very clever! Good job!

  7. Absolutely gorgeous. They look fab! Love that owl fabric too. I think I have some competition in the sewing stakes!! x

  8. LOVE that fabric! REALLY great make....makes me wish I had an iPad!

    Thanks for popping over to see me!


  9. Looks great, wish I could sew like that! Love the fabric.

  10. That looks like a really neat job, lovely fabric too. I started making a Kindle cover this week but was a bit underwhelmed by the result, think I need to be a little more exacting in my efforts!

  11. Love it! And well done you, I need to be a bit more adventurous with my sewing machine but I'm a bit scared of it! x

  12. That is lovely! I wish I could use a sewing machine. I wonder if my husband would appreciate a pretty cover for his iPad.

  13. Oh my goshness you are so bloody clever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I love the owl fabric :)

    I'm getting mine up TODAY! xx

  14. Lovely! If I had a sewing machine I would love to try this as I have often seen similar pins on Pinterest. Loving the owl fabric as well xx


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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