11 April 2012

Feeling Grateful - #ONEMums

I've just returned from dropping Edith off at a friend's house in the lovely village of Lacock. It was an amazing house and I would be lying if I said I didn't have a little twang of envy as I drove into the driveway. I'm back home now, a home that is feeling a little bit more spacious now the in laws have gone - I said a little bit more spacious, I am still grumbling about my house. However, I have just received a tweet from Michelle at Mummy From The Heart, that drew my attention to this: ONE.org. And that got me thinking about how grateful I really should be in this life.

When Edith was born I had a hell of a time trying to breastfeed her. She didn't latch on properly, I let her feed like this, I got really poorly with mastitis because of it. I persevered with expressing milk using a clean, safe, sterilised pump, that I could put into clean, safe, sterilised bottles to ensure she got some of the good stuff before I caved in and went to Sainsbury's to buy a vat of Aptamil. And she thrived - she was fortunate to be born in a country that had safe options.

Unfortunately not all babies have this opportunity to thrive. In Africa a new mum cannot simply pop to Sainsbury's to pick up some formula, they might not have the access to the safe, clean, sterilised equipment that I had, their own breast milk could be passing on the HIV virus and the medical staff are not just a quick phone call or ten minute drive away.

This makes me feel fortunate. I am glad to live in a country where I have been able to ensure my babies thrive. Yes, I am known to moan and vent about things in my life - who doesn't?! - but today I am stopping and thinking about the things I am grateful for. Mostly these two...

Michelle and the Thrive Campaign are asking us to help:

Sign up to ONE.org
If you have your own blog write a post and link up here
Tweet about the campaign #LetsThrive

Thanks for reading.
x x x

1 comment

  1. Thanks so much for adding your voice. It makes a real difference when we come together. Mich x


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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