3 November 2014

Festive Peppermint Chocolate Bark

Apologies for mentioning Christmas already but I am a big planner - it comes with the territory of my job - and I'm already looking ahead to this Christmas and thinking about festive gifts!
I'm a believer in the saying, "If it ain't broke don't fix it" and my Festive Peppermint Chocolate Bark was such a success last Christmas I have decided that I will definitely be making it again this year.
Last Christmas I made a big batch of the bark as gifts for teachers and teaching assistants for staff at my children's school and for my own colleagues.

Festive Peppermint Chocolate Bark // 76sunflowers

Here's how to make it!

You will need:
  • 200g bar of good quality dark chocolate
  • 200g bar of good quality white chocolate
  • 2 tsp vegetable oil
  • 2 tsp peppermint extract
  • peppermint candy canes
Line a bun tray with festive paper cases - I like these ones here.
Put a few candy canes in a bag and bash away the day's stresses until they are broken up into small chunks.
Melt the dark chocolate, with 1 teaspoon of the oil, in a bowl over boiling water.
Add 1 teaspoon of peppermint extract and mix in.
Divide this mix between the festive paper cases and refrigerate, for about an hour, until set.

Repeat the above process with the white chocolate, oil and peppermint extract and spread this mixture over the set dark chocolate.
Then sprinkle crushed candy canes on top and refrigerate again until set.

Once set bag up a few chocolates in a cellophane bag and tie with festive ribbons.

Festive Peppermint Chocolate Bark // 76sunflowers

The above will make about a dozen chocolates depending on the size of paper cases and thickness of chocolate that you make.

My advice would be to buy extra chocolate bars and just go for it!

If you don't want to make individual chocolates in cases you can always spread the mix on a flat baking paper lined tray then once set just smash it into random pieces - it will taste just as nice!

x x x
Disclaimer: This post is an entry for a blogger competition with dotcomgiftshop. 



  1. Oh my goodness those look amazing. I am definitely going to give those a try (although I don't think they would make it to Christmas)

  2. Mmmm festive bark! Yet to have breakfast so bit silly me popping over here when I saw the title! *Tummy rumbles x

  3. It is really nice and the peppermint gives it a nice zing :)

  4. Good point! They won't last, trust me :)

  5. These are so cute. I love bark but hadn't ever thought about making cute little ones like this. I love it!


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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