24 May 2014

365 #21 {Changes for the good}

I tried it but it didn't work out.
This was the final week of full time work for me for a while.
I'm trying to not to dwell on it as the pay slip was good.
But there's more important things in life than a fatter pay cheque.

365 #21

Project 365 Day 138 - Water play // 76sunflowers
Project 365 Day 139 - Murky clouds // 76sunflowers
Project 365 Day 140 - Early to bed // 76sunflowers
Project 365 Day 141 - Chicken in the house // 76sunflowers
Project 365 Day 142 - Passport // 76sunflowers
Project 365 Day 143 - Campfire // 76sunflowers
Project 365 day 144 - KOL tickets! // 76sunflowers
Day 138
What a glorious day! The kiddies chose to stay home and play in the garden with trugs of water and have a picnic in the beach tent. Pure relaxation.
Day 139
And the grey clouds came back. Nothing much else to say about today.
Day 140
I seem to be going ridiculously early to bed these days. Outside it is far too light still.
Day 141
The chickens are taking their free range freedom a bit too far lately. I found Emily in the conservatory tonight.
Day 142
Finally found my old passport. It is years out of date and is in my maiden name so not much good. I'm taking the kiddies to France in August so need to start filling out some paperwork. Snooze.
Day 143
A wet and rather chilly day today in the woods with 60 Reception children. Luckily the fire was warm and the damper bread was surprisingly tasty - if a little burnt in places.
Day 144
Too wet today to do much so the husband has taken the kiddies into town to the library while I chill with the paper and the blog. Oh, and these arrived yesterday - Kings of Leon tickets baby!!

Find other project 365ers over here...
TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky
x x x



  1. Money isn't everything is it. It helps but have fun spending more time with family

  2. Kings of Leon - I am jealous! #365

  3. chantelle hazelden24 May 2014 at 17:31

    Kings of leon, nice!!! Money is nice but it doesn't always bring you happiness, that's what the family is there for :) #project365

  4. Completely agree, money isn't everything. Looks like you had a good week and your spirits are lifting now a decision has been made about your work / life balance. 60 reception children in the woods I. The rain must have been a challenge!

  5. There are more important things in life, that's very true! We changed things for exactly that reason, less money but a better quality of life that's for sure. How exciting seeing King of Leon, they'll be awesome!

  6. I love your first photo of them both. We need the sunshine back it's been horrible the last few days #365 x

  7. The fire looks fabulous - what a great place for kids to explore! And I haven't had damper in 30 years - bringing back memories :)

  8. The fire in the woods looks fab but wow deadling with 60 reception kids too!

  9. disqus_dIRjNoslsp25 May 2014 at 07:47

    I love that 1st shot! We have one of those buckets. Never thought to fill one for water play! Fabby tickets. Have fun. #365

  10. Sarah MumofThree World25 May 2014 at 08:45

    Well done for giving full-time a go - and for taking the decision it isn't right for you right now. I can't believe you go to bed while it's still light! It looks like you go earlier than my kids. I'm applying for a new passport at the moment too. All our passports went missing when we moved house :(

  11. I'm in awe of any mum who works full time and don't blame you for going back to part-time! Lovely fire, will have to have a woodland picnic soon too!

  12. i did not know you taught reception aged children and 60 of them is a lot of help look after!!! i think Burton's class is up to 27 or 28 now!
    and well done Viv on doing what was best for your and your family. the money may be less but i think quality of life is far more important x

  13. sabrina montagnoli25 May 2014 at 23:42

    Full time is not for me either...all learning curves really. That first photo is wonderful.

  14. Sara (@mumturnedmom)26 May 2014 at 02:49

    Full time is really really hard, well done for giving it a go and even more so for admitting it's not for you and making a change. Love that first photo, and actually really like the grey skies too, very dramatic.

  15. Good luck with your new direction, you soon get used to the lack of money and quality time with the family is far more important. Looks like Emily will be in your bed next lol

  16. Elaine Livingstone26 May 2014 at 08:38

    hope the shorter working hours work out for you, and yes as long as you have enough to pay the bills then the luxuries can get cut back on for a while. Nice to see them out enjoying the weather, We had 4 hr thunderstorms with huge amounts of rain here the other night as well. 60 children is a lot to be watching.

  17. Best of luck with the change of working hours, it's not easy that's for sure. I love that you are going to see Kîngs of Leon, super jealous :)

  18. Faded Seaside Mama31 May 2014 at 20:26

    Love the chicken by the piano! Hope the new way is the better way for you - money isn't everything after all.


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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