7 February 2012

Sunshine on a rainy day....

...makes my soul, makes my soul trip, trip, trip, away-a-ay!

Ah, that MotherVenting is a bit like sunshine on a rainy day isn't she? The latest great thing she has bestowed upon me is the February Sunshine Award - tada!

Lovely - and it has a gerbera on it, my favourite flower didn't you know?! No? Well find out some more things about me below as I have to answer some questions and pass this award onto some other gorgeous bloggers.

Favourite colour: Duck egg blue / green and various shades of. It is in my kitchen/dining room on the tiles, table cloth and chairs.

Favourite animal: I'm not really an animal person - they make me sneeze too much. I do love Lakeland Terriers though with their boxy face and apparently their wiry coat is okay for sneezy allergic types like me. Might trade the husband in for one then!

Favourite non-alcoholic drink: Surprisingly for a cider drinker it is not apple juice. I do love a cup of Earl Grey tea.

Facebook or Twitter: Duh - Twitter *flaps wings*

Favourite number: What?! I have no lucky number thing going on so, erm, 7 as it's the month Edith was born and the day Alban was born. Oh, and isn't it supposed to be lucky?!

Favourite day of the week: When I was working - properly in paid employment as opposed to the unpaid slave labour I currently do - it was always Friday. Now I think it is Sunday as it's the only day I don't have to get up for a certain time.

My passion: My children but also my me time which involves blogging and learning new stuff.

Getting or giving presents: Christmas - giving. Birthday - getting!

Favourite pattern: spots and floral.

Favourite flower: You already know this! In a vase - Gerberas, hot pink ones. In a garden sunflowers and lavender for their prettiness and scent.

All done, that was pretty straightforward. Now to pass it on. I'm going to throw some sizzling sunshine over to........

Life as I know it for her 'awesomeness' and her great timing to get me back into making things & learning new stuff.

Snooandme as she is new to blogging and writes from the heart. And I'd like to learn a little more about her. (I just checked the link and she already has it! Oh well, go and see her anyway!)

Over ACuppa as she's lovely. I'd like her to adopt me and take me to the beach everyday.

CupcakeMumma as I don't much about her apart from she makes an immense KitKat cake!

Gotta love sunshine x x



  1. Now I do like a nice cup of Earl Grey. Lady Grey is a bit too much.
    Great answers! This is a fun meme this. :-)

  2. Earl grey is yummy - going to hunt down the kit Kat cake recipe now , that sounds epic!

  3. Ahhh thank you that comment has made my day, go on then pack your bucket and spade we are off to the beach!!!! xxx


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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