8 October 2011

Liebster Blog Award - I have it!

Last Wednesday I almost cried......as I had won a blogging award!
Wow wee! Things like this do not happen to me, I am overwhelmed and have only just recovered now to tell you all about it!
No, not a MADs award but a.............................

Liebster Blog Award!!!

Sorry? You haven't heard of it? Well it's kind of like winning a Bafta but not the Oscar.

Anyway this award does come with some conditions - isn't that always the way with these blogging meme awards thingys?

So here goes:

1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who awarded you.
3. Copy & paste the award onto your blog.
4. Nominate 5 blogs to receive the award.
5. Inform them of their nomination by leaving a comment on their blog.

So thank you to the lovely, beautiful and funny Motherventing - I know all that to be true as I met her on Thursday and she was lovely, beautiful and funny.
You can find some more funny things written by her here.
Here is the fabulous award

I would now like to present the award to:


I will now tweet them and make their day complete!

Thank you, you can all stop clapping now. Mwah to you all x x x 


1 comment

  1. You are too kind *mwah* You totally deserved your Bafta, oops, I mean Liebster Blog Award. Hey, it's JUST AS prestigious as a Bafta! *cough* XX


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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