11 January 2016

Musing on a Monday {Changing Rooms and Growing Up}

Musing on a Monday {Changing Rooms & Growing Up}

Quite some time ago I made some home decorating plans; February 2015 I was going to paint the children's rooms and buy a high bed so they could finally fulfil their plan of changing rooms. Now, I have been known to make lots of plans when it comes to our home and they rarely come into fruition. My compact, shabby chic kitchen that I tried to transform back in 2012 is much the same, albeit a bit shabbier and less chic. The walls around our home still display the same colours that I painted them with back in 2005 when we first moved in; but with the addition of smudges and fingerprints from little people that have increased in size over the passing years. The carpets have changed but much remains the same.

Fast forward to today and I finally await the delivery of the bed to go into our small bedroom for the girl - who has sacrificed the larger bedroom for the grand appeal of the much coveted high bed. The bonus for the boy is that he now has floor space to put out his Scalectrix and Lego galore. Previous to today, when peace has taken over the general noises I hear from upstairs, I have crept up and found the girl making plans for her new room seeking out girl's bedroom ideas online. She is definitely like me with a love of making lists.

Somewhat, maybe not that surprisingly, this whole event has played with my mind and emotions. Last week, whilst channelling my inner Anna Ryder Richardson and playing at Changing Rooms - do you remember that show?! - shut in the small room with brush and paint pot in hand, I painted the pale baby blue walls a more grown up shade of classic duck egg blue. I started to think, and you know how dangerous that can be for me of late; How was it these walls were having to be painted over already? How was it that the colour was now too 'babyish'? How was it that 7 years ago I was painting these walls with that very same baby blue paint for my baby boy?

Where has that time gone?
How are they growing up so quickly?!

Right, back to the changing rooms:
My next job will be in the bigger room erasing all signs of the baby pink walls that the boy is currently having to endure. His plans? Get rid of the pink and stick up some rugby posters. Simple.
And the girl's plans? Her 'new' small room will be set up soon with the girl's desk and bean bag chair under the high bed. She has plans and wants to hang some tulle curtains around the bed rails to create her own private space. I'm going to blink one day and there will be boys up there with her in that 'private space' won't there?!

How will I cope with that next phase of my baby's growing up?!

x x x


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