3 June 2017

Project 365 2017 #22

Week 22 of Project 365 2017 and the weather couldn't make its mind up from wet to sun to wet to sun again.

Project 365 2017 day 148 - Sunday 10k // 76sunflowers
Project 365 2017 day 149 - Wet Bank Holiday Monday // 76sunflowers
Project 365 2017 day 150 - Fields // 76sunflowers
Project 365 2017 day 151 - Glastonbury Graffiti // 76sunflowers
Project 365 2017 day 152 - Yoga sky // 76sunflowers
Project 365 2017 day 153 - Happy run // 76sunflowers
Project 365 2017 day 154 - Corsham // 76sunflowers

Day 148
I dragged myself out on a 10k before the husband went to work. Butt and hamstring issue made my left leg feel like concrete so have decided to book myself a sports massage.
Day 149
Bank Holiday Monday so obviously it poured with rain. I was actually glad as it meant I could get on with writing school reports without feeling I've wasted a lovely day. I had to get up after every third one and have a walk around and stretch as sitting is really hurting my butt and leg! I don't know how people cope with sedentary office jobs.
Day 150
The girl had a friend come over to play and mum stayed so the grown ups could have a catch up. It also meant I could nip out for a sports massage. I have a gnarly bit in my piriformis so lots of stretching, ball rolling, foam rolling, squats and yoga but no long distances - I'm meant to be doing 11 miles on Thursday. I took the kiddos for a walk across the fields late afternoon whilst our tea cooked as I needed to stretch my legs as I was told not to run my planned 5k tonight - not sure how I'm going to cope with this.
Day 151
A lovely sunny day today and the husband headed off to work early so no sneaky test run for me first thing. I packed a lunch and drove the kiddos down to Glastonbury - driving is not so good for my piriformis and I was not a happy bunny for the first 30 minutes before it eased off. We parked up in town, climbed up the Tor, spotted some new graffiti and had a lovely ramble around the shops where I stocked up on incense and got the husband a birthday pressie. Tonight I went for a 5k and ended up in tears and self doubt as the leg was so heavy I have told myself the marathon is way out of reach.
Day 152
Today was one of those lazy days where I can't actually remember what we did! Tonight was yoga which was immense as everything hit my tight spots just nicely. The yoga sky was looking lush too.
Day 153
I woke up feeling a bit more positive today realising there are more important things to get upset about. We walked into town to pick up a few things, got wet in the rain coming home, had a late lunch and the kiddos occupied themselves with friends and YouTube and I finished the last few reports. The husband came home early so I tentatively laced up my running shoes and it actually felt pretty good; not perfect but ok - I managed 5 miles but the leg was tired at the end.
Day 154
It was no plan Saturday today; no yoga classes and no real desire to do anything. We headed to the local town of Corsham where I popped into the health shop to top up on tea, vegan cheese and nutritional yeast then back home after lunch I spent a few hours making headway on the garden - which is a forever losing battle.

x x x 

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