9 June 2013

Summer Bucket List {#pinaddicts June}

Finally, we have had a whole week of good weather - A WHOLE WEEK! And as soon as that sun starts to shine for more than a day I like to make plans. Summer plans.
Today I asked the kiddies what they wanted to do this summer and instead of just talking about it we put our plans down on paper. So nobody would forget!
I pinned this image a while ago to my Pinterest For the kiddywinks board - and it has since been repinned to my #pinaddicts board.
Here's what we did.

First, having gone to the supermarket to stock up on a variety of card, glue and stars for achievement of our plans, we made an A2 size background.
Then came the arduous task of writing letters back to front the right size and on the correct card, as selected by Edith, cutting them out accurately and sticking them on straight!

Once the heading was done we set to work making our plans and making them look nice.
Edith honed her ICT skills on Powerpoint...
and we came up with 36 of these...
Then, somehow this ended up being my job, they were stuck on the backing card.
Finally, the masterpiece took pride of place on the fridge where it now awaits an array of sticky stars all over it!

 And here is what is on that list!


I am linking up to the June #pinaddicts challenge.

The #pinaddicts challenge works as follows:

Pin to your #pinaddicts board on Pinterest.
Choose something to make for the challenge.
In your post put the original image with original links.
Post your fantastic effort at recreating.

Link up and go and check out the other #pinaddicts at the pinaddicts challenge SITE!
x x x


  1. What a brilliant idea! I may do this with F once she's a bit older - I love the idea of making lists and giving yourself something to look forward to. Impressive letters too!

    1. Thank you! The control freak in me likes lists. And neat lettering!

  2. This is amazing!!!!!!! I'm totally doing some of that with you... especially the 'finding lions' part. :)

    ps...... thanks for linking up to the PA challenge....haha! xxx


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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