16 September 2013

Musing on a Monday {same old sh*t or crazy new sh*t?}

I've been thinking. In fact I've been thinking a lot lately. When stuff happens I tend to think. Sometimes I overthink. Which just causes my head to explode. So I try to keep a hold of things. However, having time at home now does free me up. To think.

Life throws obstacles at us and we have to choose how to overcome them: take the easy route or take the challenge? Go with the norm or try something new? Be led or be the leader?
Basically this...
Same old shit Crazy new shit
The husband made a huge decision with his career which has meant a lot of risks have been taken. I always thought we were safe people, ones not to take risks and to take the easy option. Ultimately people dealing with the same old sh*t. However we braved it and now we have new sh*t to deal with. It all boils down to one thing: One ridiculously long commute = a hell of a lot of impacts and stress. Too much to go into here but it is leading us to make another big decision. Another choice to be made in which path to go down.
Are we brave enough? Do we stick with what's safe? I don't know. For now I just read words of wisdom I have found to try and make me feel better...
Stop being afraid...and soon you'll see....
Tomorrow we're going to go exploring. Investigating. Number crunching. We might just go round in circles. We might find a solution.
Watch this space.
x x x
Images are from my Inspiring/Words Pinterest board from where original links can be found.



  1. Good luck with the shit (same old or crazy new) but exploring us always a good move x

  2. Great saying's. All I can say life is too short for the same old shit, moving doesn't always mean the same old shit doesn't just follow you x but it is up to you to find some crazy new stuff, which is exactly what I need to do!!! x x x Hope your numbers crunch out to some crazy new things x

  3. Oooh sounds exciting. But that's easy for me to say from the comfort of my same old comfy sofa. Good luck, and look forward to hearing more :)

  4. I look forward to the nest instalment of what I strongly suspect might be crazy new s**t!

  5. I always love a good quote to validate or help me through tricky times in my life (or even just monday mornings!) look forward to hearing more! x

  6. Good luck with the investigating and planning - it's so hard not knowing what's round the corner, but of course we never do, we just think we do. Love these quotes - what an ace pinterest board too :)

  7. Good luck Viv! I think people underestimate the impact of a commute - travelling a long way every day is really draining, even if you are sitting down! Lots of luck in your exploring. x

  8. Good luck. A long commute is hell - and family time is important. I hope you find what you are looking for.


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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