9 September 2013

Musing on a Monday {just me}

Today has been the first Monday in a long time that I have looked forward to. I cannot remember the last time I had a Monday quite like it. It's been a long while coming, what with having children and stuff, but now the wait is over. I now have Mondays - and Tuesdays - to myself. No work. No children. Just me and the house.

Today that meant doing the school run - which I haven't done for over a year, shredding - I'm back on that and loving it, and being able to do my new fitness interest, yoga, in peace. FYI: Yoga is not beneficial when you have a seven year old hollering from her bed at night or chewing a carrot in your year and trying to be helpful with 'encouraging' words as you bend your body in ways that it hasn't been in since doing gymnastics at Junior School.

This, by the way, is my current personal goal...
Crow Pose
I would really love to do an Introduction to Yoga course but I'm watching the pennies at the moment so instead am having a go at Erin Motz' 30 Day Yoga Challenge on good old YouTube. She is so lovely and calming and I feel all gooey at the end of each session, which has to be a good thing right? Anyway, I digress...
Mondays...Mondays are so different now, in a good way. I'm really hoping that working part time across three days, rather than five, will sort out the whole work/life balance thing that we are all desperately trying to find. I want to use my two days to do the things I want to do - yes, there will be the household chores and projects that need doing but it will be in my time rather than taking it out of weekend time. I want to be more available on a weekend now so I plan to shut work completely away and focus on the kiddies and family life knowing that I have my time at the beginning of each week. Financially, I should really be working full time but in reality that would break me - that may sound weak but I don't think I could do my job full time and be happy. I take my hat off to those that do.
So now I'm pondering, musing if you like, on making some plans. The road trip across America may have to be put on hold. But, the house needs sprucing up so I can crack open some cans of paint over the coming weeks, this blog is going to go through some changes soon and I will continue to give myself some me time. It's been seven years so I think I deserve some!
Are you finding time for yourself? Have you found the elusive work/life balance? Does it exist?!
I'd love to hear your thoughts.
x x x



  1. Sounds great! I'm very jealous! I chose to go back to work full time once my daughter started school... WHY DID I DO THAT?!!

  2. I have started to cycle a bit now both mine are at school, mainly because I'm so ruddy sad that the house is quiet - I should be getting all productive but I can't seem to get my mojo!

  3. Ah the good old work / life balance! Working from home, I tend to find that I get periods where I'm flat-out, meeting deadlines around all the mum stuff, and other periods when things are a bit quieter. When you're self-employed you take the work when you can get it. That said, I've recently started going to a Yoga class on a Monday evening and Zumba on a Thursday evening, and I find having those hours to myself doing something that doesn't involve drinking wine or crashing in front of the TV is BRILLIANT. Highly recommend Yoga - glad you're loving it!

  4. Work/life balance - is there such a thing? For me it's a constant juggle and I'm usually clearing up after dropping one of the balls I'm supposed to be keeping in the air. Good for you with the yoga - I replied to your comment over at my place saying perhaps I should take it up again! Another thing to add to the list :) By the way I've been following your Summer of fun without having the time to comment - for which I'm extremely sorry x


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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