18 January 2013

Snow day

The phone rang at 7:00 to tell me my school was shut.

For a fleeting five minutes I thought how lovely it would be to walk the kiddies to their school and have a cosy day at home. By myself. A rarity. This never happens. And it didn't. The text came through five minutes later from their school to confirm its closure.

'Dammit' was my initial thought. Then guilt for wanting some time to myself without them.


So, waterproofs were dragged on over fleeces, scarves, hats, mittens and wellies.

We walked down the lane to the big fields where snowballs were thrown, snowmen - of sorts - were built and snow angels made.

Then we got cold. And wet.

Best thing for that was to go back home for hot chocolate and chai tea latte.

Now I've locked them out in the garden so I can get five minutes peace with my cuppa.
I feel no guilt.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

x x x



  1. You are a better mum than me. My kids don't even own snow suits lol. I must rectify. There school was open today, so not too much guilt about keeping them in this afternoon. Daddy can do the outdoorsy stuff tomorrow. Oh I love it when a plan comes together....great pics and post btw xx

  2. Tee hee...well done mummy! We have so far avoided snow. It's still freezing here though and my fingers and toes have just about survived us being out and about. Lovely pictures of some happy smiley faces...your's seems to be missing? :)

  3. We had our first ever snow day today. I was quite excited when I heard our school's name read out on the radio to let us know it was shut. I was keener to get out in the snow than the kids were though. They were in floods of tears by the time we made it home from sledging in the park

  4. Hope you got to enjoy your cuppa in peace.
    Love the snowy portraits - gorgeous kids you have there :-)

  5. Great photos, love the close ups of the kids.

  6. Your garden looks beautiful :)

  7. Lovely snow photos! The black and white is so effective! You've given me some inspiration! x

  8. My poor deprived children, living in a country that would laugh in the face of the suggestion of snow days! Brilliant photos! Enjoy the snow, it sounds like you have more to come as well! :D

  9. Loving the black and white. That is serious snow you have there. What fun, my kids would be so jealous, only sunshine and plus 5 degrees here! Thank you for sharing, I can't believe how much snow you have!

  10. Wow that's so much snow!! Looks like you all had a lot of fun! We have not very much here :(

  11. Your garden looks magical, Narnia like!
    I managed a half day, which included work, on Friday but then I got the text from school about the closure x

  12. such a lot of lovely snow, glad you enjoyed it, your garden is lovely too!

  13. I take my hat off to you - we had about 6 inches and didn't even leave the house.

  14. Wow you had a lot of snow, much more than we did here. Great photos of your happy children and to be honest if I was shut out with all that untouched Virgin snow in my garden, as a child you understand, I would have happily been locked out while my mum enjoyed a hot drink lol x

  15. That does look a lot of fun. My youngest will appreciate your snowman because mine has no arms and apparently they have to have arms. Love all the snow on their hats.

  16. Lovely photos. Looks like they had a lot of fun

  17. Wow! You had loads of snow!!! Really lovely photos and I really fancy a hot chocolate now :D

  18. Brilliant pics I'm soooo jealous as my boys school was open all the way through!!!! There were a few unhappy bunnies in this house and that included me! :)

  19. Oooh Chai Tea Latte? What am I missing, I wouldn't know where to begin making one of those but I want one now! Popping over from the Country Kids linky x

  20. Snap - as a teacher I felt the same too! However, I did enjoy sledging with my children though!


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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