1 November 2012

#pinaddicts challenge no. 9 - Fabric Bookmarks

It's the beginning of the month so it's time to link up to the Pinaddicts Challenge!

The #pinaddicts challenge works as follows:

Pin to your #pinaddicts board on Pinterest.
Choose something to make for the challenge.
In your post put the original image with original links.
Post your fantastic effort at recreating.

Link up and go and check out the other #pinaddicts at the NEW SITE!
My last blog post showed my Shabby Chic Rosette Flowers ...
...and today I'm going to show you what I used them for.
Here's my inspirational pin!
I used my flowers and a tutorial from the above to create my own bookmarks.
Here's my tutorial:
First cut out fabric pieces for each bookmark you wish to make measuring 4" x 8" and back each piece with slightly smaller interfacing:
Fold the fabric right sides together...
...and sew along one short side and the unfolded long side:
Turn the right way out, fold the opening in and iron flat:
Sew round each of the four sides:
Attach the flowers with fabric glue and you're done!
x x x



  1. uh-oh found something else to add to the list! haha
    Lovely idea though and great bookmarks :)

  2. Oh how sweet are they? Very shabby chic indeed :) x

  3. They are lovely Viv! They would make perfect christmas presents :-)

  4. Lovely, and great gifts!

  5. They are gorgeous Viv! They will make awesome gifts! Guess what......... I'm totally pinning this! ha! xx

  6. Aren't they lovely!

    Another project for the to do list!


  7. I love it! I'm looking for an easy project to start my using my sewing machine for!

  8. These are lovely, and would make great stocking fillers/gifts x


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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