23 November 2012

Blogging identities

I've had this blog on the go now for 14 months and a lot has changed in that period of time. I started out as the classic SAHM blogger looking for a space to record family life, bakes, crafts and the odd vent. I didn't think much about the blog name at the time but it suited the content - except I have never blogged about the town I live in. I obviously fell under the 'mummy blogger' label and I have no issues with that - I have met some awesome bloggers through this and have established new friendships.

Now I'm back to work, the children are both at school and the husband is trying to get a business up and running. Stress levels are running high. Blogging gives me an outlet in the vast and wonderful world of the interweb but I feel my identity is shifting. I feel restricted on Melksham Mum. It doesn't give me the space to be just me. So I have a different stage for this.


Crazy?! Maybe.

I'll still be here for my family stuff, motherhood moans, Pinaddicts and other linkys but I'll also be over there. Being just me.

Please, feel free to pop in and say hi.

x x x




  1. Such a cool name. I have been blogging for 7 freaking years and every week feel like I'm in the midst of an identity crisis yet I CANNOT for the life of me come up with a blog name that I'm happy about :|

    1. Thanks. The name sort of came to me and made so much sense. This blog's name is too restrictive! It feels good to have two outlets though :)

  2. You brave thing you! Love the name! :)

  3. It'll be interesting to see how it goes running two blogs. Good luck with the sunflowers.

  4. I found your blog through Tots 100 and was interested because we live in and around Melksham for best part of 20 years! we are now in London where life is a little different but are back to Wiltshire a lot as my MIL still lives there. A small world!

    PS. I also love your writing style and will check out your new blog.

  5. I meant we lived in Melksham - it's late and I'm poorly! Hx


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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