8 October 2012

Weight loss and workout frustrations

You may be aware by now that I have been on a bit of a kick to work out, cut the calories and lose some weight. Well I have been working out, I have been cutting the calories and I have lost some weight. Now BAM! I have hit THE WALL.

I dropped 6lbs over the first three weeks by dropping to 1200 calories a day - tough at first but now it's my norm - and by doing a daily session of the 30 Day Shred. I saw results as blogged about here.


I am fed up with working my arse off every evening and looking a right state like this...

(clearly another great mug shot worthy of a place in Spike and Heels' #OperationHideous gallery)

...only to stand on the scales in the morning and constantly see 11st 1lb staring back at me. I also beat myself up further by standing on the scales at the end of the day when I am heavier. Why??!!!!

Some lovely Twitter folk gave me a lesson in basic fat to muscle weight changes, inch loss and metabolism but still I AM FED UP!

How does Weight Watchers work?! Do the participants not exercise? If I was part of such a weight loss programme surely I would be laughed out of every weekly weigh in and deemed a failure?

Someone said just IGNORE THE SCALES. But, I admit it, I am obsessed with them. I want to see results. In numbers in front of my eyes, not just on a tape measure.

I know I need to celebrate the successes of losing 6lbs and inches from the waist and hips but what if that suddenly stops? THEN WHAT?!!?

Somebody tell me it will be worth it. Somebody tell me I WILL see a 10st something appear on my scales.


x x x



  1. I can totally relate to your frustrations - I have gained a good few kilos since I upped my running :| I think the idea IS though to not weigh yourself very regularly - try to keep it to once in a month. Also, exercising hard (the Shred is freaking hard) every day might mean you'll get sick of it, instead, try to go for walks more, jog a bit, etc. Think of it as the New You, the more active you, the one who walks up escalators and does sit ups when the kids are in the bath (well, maybe not that one yet :).

    You WILL see that weight shift - just remember that the slower it comes off, the higher the chances are that it'll stay off!

    PS. Quitting refined sugar should help a lot too :)

  2. Don't weigh yourself every day. I know this is hard as I do what you do - and get upset in the evening if it looks like too much to have dropped by morning. But, a weekly weigh in would see a more definite and pleasing change.

  3. I have the same problem when I diet. It goes well for 3-4 weeks but then I seem to stop losing for a bit and then completely lose my motivation. I would suggest having a fresh start and a final push, put the scales away until maybe Friday and in the meantime have your best ever week with the food and exercise to push you over that hump. I'm doing weightwatchers at the moment and for the first time I'm only letting myself check the scales once a week which is stopping me getting wound up by those days when I haven't lost anything. It's so hard not to keep jumping on them though! I'm sure you'll get there. :)

  4. Try not to weigh yourself every day. It is difficult, but weight loss is gradual, and seeing the numbers stay the same (or even go up) can be massively demotivating. Stick to once, maybe twice, per week if you possibly can.

    When I diet I find that I drop a stone with complete ease and quite quickly. I can usually achieve it just by not drinking for a month. But then the losing plateaus and I get frustrated. The will power slowly seeps away and gradually that weight creeps back on.

    Mix up what you're doing to keep it interesting. Exercising for a long time at a lower intensity is more conducive to weight loss than quick bursts of high intensity. Go for a long cycle ride (you've got some lovely countryside around your way, make a day of it, head to Avebury for a picnic or something) and you'll have a lovely time and be munching through lots of calories too.

    Keep it up, you WILL get there in the end :-)

    1. "Exercising for a long time at a lower intensity is more conducive to weight loss than quick bursts of high intensity." - I don't think that's true...

    2. Well then I stand corrected :-)

  5. I agree with a weekly weigh in and as a slimming world member who is absolutely loving going to the group every week, I can assure you that the women are all sizes and none of them are judged.

    There are ladies who go and they're only wanting to lose half or 1 stone and then there's me who has 20 stone to lose.

    Slimming world works on food optimising. It's really easy, no calorie counting and loads of free foods including fruit, veg, potatoes, rice, pasta, lean meats and fish.
    If you have a look at my profile, I've been blogging about my weight loss and I'm keeping a photo food diary. It's called, Quest of a shrinking lady.
    You can see what I'm eating and on this diet, I've lost 1 stone 3lb in 6 weeks without exercising. I do plan to exercise, I just need to be careful because of back and joint problems but as soon as I've lost enough weight I plan to do regular execise.

    The slimmer of the year for our group lost 6 stones this year and she only follows the diet, she doesn't do much exercise apart from what she gets from looking after the kids!

    I've tried just about every diet going and this one is the only one that I can see me living with for the rest of my life. It's all normal food that we normally eat anyway.
    Another good thing about the group is that once you reach your target, you can have free membership for life, as long as you stay within your target range.

    I don't work for slimming world! I just think that if I'd tried them years ago, I could have stopped myself getting to this size in the first place and I wouldn't have to spend the next 3-4 years getting to target.

    Good luck :) xx

    1. Oh my goodness, I didn't realise I'd written so much... Sorry for the essay!

  6. Your body has got used to the calories and the exercise and has adjusted its metabolism to conserve energy. Sounds counter productive but what if you ate more calories (only 100 or so) so your body didn't need to store calories? I read it somewhere, ages ago, and may be complete garbage!
    But exercise is good, and healthy eating is good. keep at it x

  7. Hello lovely lady. First of all can I just say you look fab?! Give yourself a pat on the back for the weight you've lost so far - it's awesome! You've just reached a plateau and with time you'll break through it and keep losing the inches. I agree with everyone above, only weigh yourself once a week. Your fluid levels fluctuate every day and that can make a huge difference in how much you weigh as can the time of the month that you weigh yourself. Keep at it! (P.S. Don't forget you can always use bodyrock.tv too!)

  8. you look amazeballs. I could stop here. but i'm going to tell you that i joined Weight watchers last week - shock horror!!! I only have to weigh once a week, on a Thursday and I'm trying to do Zumba once a week, 30 situps a day and walking to school and back - it's not much but I have TWO stone to lose... once i've cracked the eating plan i'll increase the exercise by adding in a gym swim once a week. I'll keep you posted. and again - you look amazeballs x


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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