7 March 2012

#pinaddicts and why it's good for me

It sounds crazy but the #pinaddicts challenge has given me a focus and reignited my love of making things. Typically I seize on something new, go at it for a bit, then give up.
Knitting is a good example.
As is getting fit!

With #pinaddicts I have a monthly focus. I can choose from the things I have pinned and take my time to do it. I can do it with a cup of tea or maybe a cider and so far I have had success with bunting and t-shirt flowers! This is the key I think. My challenge to myself is attainable - in a short amount of time. My fitness and toning up is going to take a lot longer. I regularly pin motivational pictures, workouts and quotes but do I go back and get motivated by them? *whispers* No!

It seems others are achieving loads with #pinaddicts too.
Here are the great things the #pinaddicts team members have made this month.
Each of these lovely ladies will host the linky each month.
Click on the pics and pay them all a visit!

Our team leader Kerry made Chocolate Spoons:

April's linky host, JustAboveAverageMum, made burger cupcakes:

ButWhyMummyWhy made a fantastic Calm Jar:
Calm Jar

Mum2BabyInsomniac made fabulous Mod Podge boxes:

SewScrumptious went ModPodge crazy too:

SimplyOutnumbered kept her hallway tidy:

If these inspire you check out more here and link up on the first Monday of every month!
x x x


  1. I am loving it too, it sounds bad but I NEVER finish projects unless I have a deadline for it, yet I can spend hours looking at ideas of what to do. So it's great to get involved with pinaddicts :)

  2. I agree, I have piles of projects on my list and they are often only completed if they are for a specific event like a new baby. Pinterest does focus the attention.


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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