9 November 2011

Boot Therapy - not cheap, but it helps.

Right then, I know it's nothing new but I have self-diagnosed myself with a bit of retail therapy. As I have been feeling miserable lately I used the excuse of the little man needing some new shoes to have a sneeky peek in my favourite shoe shop too. And, oops, out I came £90 more overdrawn. But, I had some new boots - result.

Some of you may know I'm not a girly girl so there were no heels involved. I need comfort, practicality and a bit of colour to brighten up the dreary walks to school. So I opted for some new Doc Martens. Not the old school DMs that I clomped around in at Sixth Form, oh no, Doc Martens do loads of different styles now. I am already a huge fan of the New Authentic Wedge range and fancied adding to my Bark (Dark Brown) pair but they didn't have my size in the other lush colours - damn! However I found a new range of DM boots - Elena in Deep Mahogany. They are soooooo comfy, not at all girly and look fab with skinny jeans or short skirt and winter tights. I love them!

Here they are, on my kitchen table so I am now obviously going to get a bucketful of bad luck coming my way - oh well, that will just add to the crap already going on!

BUT, I am not superstitious at all so I am going to pull on my new boots, snap out of the fug that is constantly wrapped around me and walk tall - and smile! There's nothing I can do about things. Things are going to be changing and I need my best head - and best boots - on to face them. And if all else fails I'll just go and buy the next colour of boots to add to the collection!

Oh, and I did get A some new shoes. They were somewhat cheaper but he doesn't need the money spending therapy like I do - he's well and truly happy with his 3 year old self!

I'm off to enjoy my new therapy! See ya x x



  1. How strange, I also indulged in Boot therapy this week! Must be a proven treatment! (cool boots by the way)

  2. Very nice boots and. Well worth the money if they make you feel better! I love boots they are my indulgence too!

  3. You deserve a treat so good for you. x

  4. OMG they are LUSH. I am well jealous. I think my friend has that exact style and colour, which annoyed me a bit as they're the same colour as mine and we look like fecking boot twins when we go out. But you SO DESERVE these so with my blessings, enjoy ;) xxx

  5. Those boots are divine, I had no idea that DM's did all different styles now.

    Mich x


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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