6 May 2012

#pinaddicts challenge no. 4 - Fabric Storage Boxes


I cannot believe it is month 4 of the #pinaddicts challenge already and May sees the lovely But Why Mummy, Why?  hosting the linky.

The #pinaddicts challenge works as follows:
Pin to your #pinaddicts board on Pinterest.
Choose something to make for the challenge.
In your post put the original image with original links.
Post your fantastic effort at recreating.
Link up and go and check out the other #pinaddicts!
#pinaddicts challenge no.4 - Fabric Storage Box
This month I was influenced by the following pin to make some small storage boxes and tidy up my shelves.
Pinned Image
The above link has a detailed tutorial.
But here's how I did mine!

I am now planning to make a cuboid shaped box for keys and work lanyards to be chucked into by the front door.

What do you think?

x x x


  1. Aah Viv these look amazing!! I love the owl fabric too!!!! Stunning xx

  2. Fabulous!

  3. *goes green with envy* these look fantastic totally fab, clever lady :-) xxx

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sorry! Was signed in as my husband!!! He is not that keen on sewing, I however think they look fab :D

  6. These are gorgeous! I love the fabric you chose as well, really pretty. I will add these to my long list of stuff I'd like to do.

  7. They look fantastic! I was going to buy some the other day - will have a go making them now :-) I love your owl fabric too!

  8. They are brilliant. I really need a small army of them to get organised!

  9. They look amazing. Might have to make some of those! x

  10. They are lovely! I could really do with making some of these, thanks for the inspiration!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I quite fancy making these , they look great!

  13. These look ACE! I have seen boxed like these for loads of money in the shops too.
    I bet you have to be good at wrapping pressies to do this though and I am the actual WORST at that EVER.

  14. They look brilliant! You are so good at sewing! xx

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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