14 February 2015

Project 365 2015 #7

I have desperately been looking for Spring this week.
With such a cold end to last week it has to be out there somewhere.

Project 365 #7
Project 365 day 39 - Tulips // 76sunflowers
Project 365 day 40 - Frosty hedgerows // 76sunflowers
Project 365 day 41 - Baking day // 76sunflowers
Project 365 day 42 - Daffodils // 76sunflowers
Project 365 day 43 - Narcissi // 76sunflowers
Project 365 day 44 - Rainy window pane // 76sunflowers
Project 365 day 45 - Happy Valentine // 76sunflowers

Day 39
I had checked the forecast first thing, which said dull all day, and planned a house and garden day whilst the husband was at work. The sun came out though and it was actually warm - I was in the garden tidying up in shirt sleeves! Not much to photograph out there though as the garden is a mess. Instead I noticed the sun streaming through my kitchen window catching the tulips beautifully.
Day 40
Back to frost again today for the first school walk of the week. I do like it cold - as long as the sun shines. It was dull first thing but this newly cut back frost covered hedgerow caught my eye. I also took a brisk walk to town to buy some daffodils and a narcissi pot - if the sun wasn't coming out I was still going to brighten up the house.
Day 41
Tuesday is my 'prepare for work and organise the food for the rest of the week' day. Sometimes I like being busy like this, sometimes I get fed up as it's meant to be my day off. Today I was a bit meh about it all so did a big pile of baking - baking is always good.
Day 42
The daffodils are blooming nicely. I've decided I'm going to have cut flowers in the house more often this Spring.
Day 43
After work I had a play around with my DSLR on the no flash setting. I wanted a picture of my narcissi which is really looking beautiful. Whilst snapping I managed to catch myself a bit eerily in the reflection.
Day 44
A windy and rainy day for the last day of term but it was made better by the fact I actually got home from work and it was still daylight.
Day 45
Love is in the air! We're not huge on Valentine's Day but a card, and hopefully a meal cooked for me later, is the norm. This card definitely suits our modern life relationship!

Linking up with The Boy and Me...

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky
x x x


  1. Love all the flowers this week, hopefully spring isn't too far away. It is a shame how that card really does sum up modern life!

  2. Sarah MumofThree World14 February 2015 at 18:36

    Love that Valentine's card! Is it a Ginbunny? Love all your photos of flowers this week. Like you, I'm really ready for spring now!

  3. Sara (@mumturnedmom)14 February 2015 at 21:56

    Oh, all the lovely colour in these photos has really cheered me up! And, loving the Valentines card, fabulous :)

  4. disqus_dIRjNoslsp14 February 2015 at 22:26

    Gorgeous flowers and fantastic photo's this week! Very spring like and encouraging x

  5. Sometimes a day in the kitchen is therapeutic. I don't like making time out of my day to make a stew or get things ready for later in the week, but when I do it, it's often quite rewarding.

  6. Your photos are so colourful, love all the blooms, and that's a lot of yummy bakes! The card made me smile, very true. Great diary in photos

  7. your photos are always so stunning! i love the dafs :- )

  8. Elaine Livingstone15 February 2015 at 14:29

    rain on the window, hmmm yep Spring is here...lol. Lots of lovely flowers this week, Spring is defo on the way. The baking looks yummy, and I also find baking therapeutic when I am stressed and agree having to think ahead to make the meals does become boring.

  9. Spring is on its waay but it's still a little bit too cold!
    Love the rain picture and my and MrsDWB could exchange that card.

  10. Lovely pics and yum to the baking. They look lush.

  11. Those tulips are beautiful, I love the contrast with the background. I almost posted a rainy day photo, been quite a few of them recently.

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.

  12. Very cool shot with your reflection background! And lovely captures of the frost and rain.

  13. Beautiful photos! Those flowers are just gorgeous x

  14. fabulous pictures - so much colour! that card made me smile x

  15. wow Viv you have taken some beautiful photos this week. The colours in the tulips pic and the yellow in the daffodils are stunning and made me smile :) so spring like
    and look at all your baking - scrummy!!! but that card - well that could be me and my man ha ha ha xx

  16. Love the look of the baking. Can't believe you have daffs out already. Ours are nowhere near flowering. Sorry comment is so late


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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