6 December 2014

Project 365 #49 {Light}

A variety of light seems to be a running theme this week.

Project 365 #49

Project 365 #49 day 334 - Winter sunset // 76sunflowers
Project 365 #49 day 335 - Basement Jaxx 02 Academy Bristol // 76sunflowers
Project 365 #49 day 336 - Plants for sale // 76sunflowers
Project 365 #49 day 337 - Fairy lights // 76sunflowers
Project 365 #49 day 338 - Lamp post light // 76sunflowers
Project 365 #49 day 339 - Sunrise // 76sunflowers
Project 365 #49 day 340 - Christmas tree // 76sunflowers

Day 334
The kiddos had play dates home and away today and I was able to walk back and forth for drop offs and pick ups. I love the freedom of walking and will always choose to walk over driving when I can. You miss the beautiful skies and sunsets when stuck behind the wheel of a car.
Day 335
A rare night out with my lovely friend today. She booked tickets for Basement Jaxx after we had seen them at Camp Bestival, this time we were obviously without the children. A night of live music is always good and I'm glad I can still hold my own with the young 'uns half my age!
Day 336
I walked to the local village post office today to send off some #postcircle mail and a package to my American pen-pal. On the way back the local farm had plants for sale - every time I never have change on me to buy anything.
Day 337
New fairy lights purchased. Always have to check they work.
Day 338
A soggy start to the day. Not always easy leaving for work in the dark with only the glow of the street lamp to brighten up the morning.
Day 339
A beautiful sunrise today - my camera phone snap leaving the house just didn't do it justice.
Day 340                                                                                                                                                               Finally tree day arrived. This year, due to an extra chair in the front room, we have our old smaller tree in there and the bigger tree has been put in the back room. This room gets the sunlight and as we were decorating the light streamed through the back windows.

Linking up with the lovely The Boy and Me...
TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky
x x x


  1. We have had some stunning sunrises and sunsets this week. I love your first photo best #365

  2. Sarah MumofThree World6 December 2014 at 21:19

    Wow, that is a lot of light this week! Stunning photos. We're still hanging on another week before tree day!

  3. Sara (@mumturnedmom)6 December 2014 at 23:30

    This really is a post full of light. Beautiful photos, especially the sunrise and sunset. Love the last photo of the sunlight on your tree x

  4. What a gorgeous collection of light photos - I think sometimes winter can offer some great light! #365

  5. Oh it was a gorgeous sunny day yesterday wasn't it? We have yet to put up our tree and planning to do it on the 19th, too late I don't know? We always keep ours up for the 12 days of Christmas and since move we moved to a real tree instead and with Kit the puppy I think that will be long enough with the "No's" and "Leave it" I will no doubt be saying! Or perhaps the truth is my Christmas spirit has just not begun to enter my body yet! :-) P.S I think I could do with a bit of your photo number two always great to have good night out and catch up with friends! x

  6. it sounds like a fab week! i love your floorboards! so beautiful and the tree decorations are beautiful x

  7. disqus_dIRjNoslsp7 December 2014 at 11:18

    Great colourful and atmospheric photo's this week Viv! Fab.

  8. That sunrise is gorgeous. I'm rarely up early enough to see one.

  9. Lucky you bet Basement Jaxx were fab. Lovely sunrise there too.

  10. Great photos - love the Basement Jaxx one #project365


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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