5 June 2012

#pinaddicts challenge no. 5 - Chai Tea Loveliness!


This month is hosted by Simply Outnumbered and this is how it works!

The #pinaddicts challenge works as follows:
Pin to your #pinaddicts board on Pinterest.
Choose something to make for the challenge.
In your post put the original image with original links.
Post your fantastic effort at recreating.
Link up and go and check out the other #pinaddicts!

#pinaddicts challenge no. 5 - Chai Tea Loveliness

This month I decided to put the sewing machine to one side and focus on Chai Tea having become recently addicted to the stuff.

The following pins on Pinterest inspired me to have a go at making my own.

Pinned Image

The first version required spices and condensed milk so was more time consuming, fattening and expensive to produce. The second version used teabags, milk and a couple of cloves so was quicker, had fewer calories and was cheaper to put together!
I did, however, have a go at both.

I played around with a couple of recipes and used the above ingredients plus black peppercorns...and TEA!
Next time I will ditch the ginger - it didn't work for me.

Mistake - I should have added the tea at the end!

An hour later: Iced Chai Tea Latte!

The easier version just involved steeping the teabags and cloves, cooling off in the fridge and adding cold milk and ice.

I actually preferred the latter version as it was less sickly sweet. I do, however, plan to tinker around with using fresh spices to make it a more authentic chai tea taste.

I wasn't content with stopping with the tea though and wanted to have a go at these:-

Chai Tea Cookies
Chai Tea Cookies

Here's my attempt!

They were delicious, with or without the chocolate!
Not wanting to be left out the children grabbed some dough, minus the tea leaves, and made their own Jubilee Crown biscuits.

What do you think?!

x x x



  1. Liking your work! Might have to have a go at some baking/cooking for the next one!

  2. I may be alone here, but I have never tried Chai tea but will try it out now. Looks intriguing.
    Well done on the cookies too x

    1. I only tried it back in April at a festival. It's delicious hot or cold x

  3. Those cookies look lush! I'll have to have a go!

  4. The cookies look great the tea does too ofcourse but not my thing. I hate all that spicy/herby thing people love so much! x

  5. I adore chai tea, but after trying all the make your own stuff online. I have decided that nothing beats Tea Pigs loose leaf Chai!

    1. I have just this minute been looking at Tea Pigs Chai!! Spooky! Thanks for your tip x

  6. If only I liked tea ;) looks great though! x

  7. I'm not a tea drinker, but the biscuits look lovely!

  8. Never tasted Chai Tea! Might have to give it a go. x

  9. wow, you go girl! I only had Chai Tea once, like out of a bag, pour water on top.. and i hated it, but yours looks LUSH. and those bikkies too.. nom nom. xx

  10. Tea looks lovely, Ive never tried it either although my sister mentioned it a few weeks ago. The biscuits look really good! x

  11. Oh yum, both look lovely! Will definitely have a go at the biscuits - all this wet weather has got me in a baking mood!

  12. YUM! I have a chai tea post in the pipe line too, although its the condensed milk one I was tweeting you about so you probably won't like it :(
    Those biscuits are killing me I tell ya *neeeed!*


I appreciate all comments, thank you! x x

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